Learning to Get Rid of the Things We Once Loved

Letting go of clothes is hard, letting go of clothes you love is even harder.

We’ve posted a lot on this blog about places to vintage shop, but never have talked about being on the other side of the experience and becoming the seller. The only way to not feel bad about buying new clothes is learning to let go of the old ones, even if it is the ones we once loved. Being the seller of clothes can be just as fun and sometimes even more rewarding than buying clothes. 

I suggest cleaning out your closet every two to three months depending on how often you shop. I get sick of clothes very quickly so I tend to clean out my closet every two months, sell the things I don’t want, and use the money to purchase new things that I want. Selling clothes may seem like a large task but it can actually be fairly simple. There are multiple different ways to sell clothes. 

The first way is to sell to your friends, if you live around or near a lot of your friends, and if they are the same size as you, offer up your clothes to them first for a fair price. This is the most convenient to get rid of your clutter without having to go through the different hoops of selling to a stranger. 

The second way is to find out if there are any vintage or consignment stores in your area. If you live in a big city this shouldn’t be a problem. Pick out your best pieces that are in the greatest shape, fold them up, put them in a suitcase and bring it over to a consignment or vintage store and see how much it is worth. Be careful though, sometimes these types of stores will try to offer you the least amount of money they can, so make sure they aren’t scamming you!

The final way I suggest clearing out your closet is by selling online. There are so many online websites that make it really easy to sell clothes online and ship it to whoever. This method probably takes up the most amount of time but its arguably the best way to earn the most amount of money for your clothes. It also is a great outlet to find items for yourself as well. 

Change is always hard, but there is always something better coming next. If you look at selling clothes the same way you should look at life, then it should be a breeze! And you can thank me later. 


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